Dance Steps

Dance Steps for the 2023 Olde South Ball

All dances will be explained and called at the ball. No prior practice is necessary. 
You are also invited to attend a free dance practice in the main ballroom of the Embassy Suites at 12:30 pm.

These dance steps are listed just for fun for those who wish to practice ahead of time.

Virginia Reel

Link to video
Sets of six couples, men facing ladies in long lines

Bow & Curtsey (1st time only)
Partners - Right hand around
Partners - Left hand around
Partners - Two-hand turn around
Partners - Do si do (back to back)

Lead couple - Sashay down the set and back up
Lead couple - Reel the line (turn by the right arm with your partner, turn by the left arm the next person in line)
Lead couple - Sashay back up the set
Lead couple - Cast off
Everyone else - follow the member of the lead couple in your line
Lead couple forms a "London bridge" and everyone goes through it back to place

Start over with new head couple

Knole Park

Form lines, gents on one side, ladies on the other

Hands four, circle left all the way
First corners change places
Second corners change places

First couple take inside hands, lead down, then back up
First couple cast around the second couple, second couple moves up

Whole poussette, first man pushes his lady back, second man pulls his lady forward

The Spaniard

Form line, men facing women
1st corners set, then turn single back to place.
1st couple two-hand turn all the way around
2nd corners set and turn single
2nd couple two-hand turn

1st couple lead down the set
1st couple skip back up and cast while 2nd couple moves up
Hands four, circle left
Hands four, circle right

The Dressed Ship

Form lines, men facing ladies

1st corners set towards each other, fall back, two-hand turn all the way back to place
2nd corners set towards each other, fall back, two-hand turn all the way back to place

1st couple cast down, 2nd couple move up
Partners take right hands, ladies twirl to the left under gent’s arm. DO NOT CHANGE PLACES.
1st couple cast back UP to original place, 2s move down
1st couple take right hands, walk down center of set to 2nd couple's place, woman twirling as they walk. 2nd couple cast up as 1st couple walks down

Spanish Waltz

Link to video
Form a ring of 2-couple "boxes," couples facing each other, ladies on the gentlemen's right

First figure: Box
Imagine a box with four sides. You are on two sides of the box - the other two sides are beside you and are empty. Each time through the set of steps, you will move to a new side of the box.
Gentlemen, hold your inside hand (closest to your partner) cupped, ladies put your inside hand underneath

All four - Step in, Step out
All four - Change partners by gents slipping their hand off of their partner's hand, and onto the opposite lady's hand. Turn her under your arm 1/4 turn to put you both on a new side of the "box."
Do this four times, until everyone is back in their original places.

Second figure: Star
All four - Right hand star
All four - Left hand star

Third figure: Pinwheel
Promenade your partner in a pinwheel

(Promenade position: Partners take right hand in right hand, and left hand in left hand, continuing to both face forward.)
(Pinwheel: Gentlemen step shoulder to shoulder, one couple facing forward, one couple facing backward, process around in eight waltz steps)

On the 7th beat, Process to the next couple in the circle to form a new box.

Soldier's Joy

Form a ring of 2-couple sets, couples facing couples, lady on the gentleman’s right
Everything is in 8 counts except 16 count ladies chain

Partners hold inside hands
Forward four small steps and back four small steps

Two-hand turn your opposite

Balance your partner (turn and face your partner, walk towards them so that you are right shoulder to right shoulder, then fall back)

Two-hand turn partner

Ladies chain 
Ladies take right hands, pull by
Gents turn their opposite ladies by the left hand

Forward and back (holding inside hands)

Drop hands, pass through to a new couple

Carolina Promenade

Form ring, partners holding inside hands and facing counterclockwise, men on the inside of the ring

Partners take inside hands and walk FORWARD four steps
Turn towards each other and then backward, switching hands
Partners walk BACKWARD four steps

Gents swing the lady in, swing her out, swing her in, swing her across your front and into the middle of the circle, switching hands
Gents swing the lady in, swing her out, swing her in, swing her UNDER your arm (do NOT move yourself).
Lady steps back to the outside of the circle and to the gent behind her, taking inside hands with him.

Lancer’s Quadrille Figure 1

Four-couple box, each lady on each gent’s right
Ladies are numbered around the circle as Lady 1, Lady 2, etc.
Couples are numbered as "Ones" (includes Lady 1 and 3) and "Twos" (includes Lady 2 and 4)

Honor your partner. Honor your corner.

Couples One forward and back four steps. 
Lady 1 two hand turn with opposite gentleman.

Couples One Cross and return
(Top couple takes inside hands, walks through the bottom couple and casts back to home. 
Bottom couple splits, walks across the set, turns, rejoins hands, walks back to place. 
Everyone ends where they started.)

Corner Balance -Turn 45 degrees, face your corner (NOT your partner). 
Walk four steps towards them, right shoulder balance
Two hand turn with corner

Repeat with Couples Two and Lady 2
Repeat with Couples One and Lady 3
Repeat with Couples Two and Lady 4

"Cheat" or Coquette Quadrille

Link to video
Form a box of four couples
Couples are numbered around the circle 1, 2, 3 and 4

First couple swings to the right and steps forward and back with the third couple
First couple two hand turns their opposites with the third couple

First couple swings to the right and steps forward and back with the second couple
First couple two hand turns their opposites with the second couple

First couple swing to the right and steps forward and back with the fourth couple
First couple two hand turns their opposites with the fourth couple

NOTE: It is optional that you actually turn the person you're supposed to turn, hence the name "Cheat Quadrille." You may suddenly decide to turn anyone you please, or someone else may decide to turn you.

The Physical Snob

Link to video
Form 3-couple sets, ladies on one side, gents on the other

Women take hands and, led by the 1st women, skip around the men back to place
Men take hands and, led by the 1st man, skip around the men back to place

Couples poussette - Couples take hands and figure 8 around each other

1st couple cross by the right shoulder, go around the twos, ending in second place
1st couple cross by the right shoulder, go around the threes, end at the bottom of the set, facing up
1st couple takes inside hands, dances up the middle of the set looking snobby, cast back down to the bottom, everyone move up

Snowball Virginia Reel

Longwise sets, ladies on one side, gents on the other

Gents hold hands in long lines, Ladies hold hands in long lines.
Gents and ladies step forward towards each other four steps and back four steps.
Turn your partner by the right hand all the way around
Turn your partner by the left hand all the way around
Turn your partner by both hands all the way around
Do si do (back to back) with your partner

Head couple reels the line.
As each couple on the line is turned by the reeling couple, they MOVE UP one place.
Once the reeling couple reaches the fourth couple on the line, the next couple begins to reel the line.
Once initial top couple is back to the top, wait until all couples are done reeling.
Hands long lines, forward and back 2 times.
Each couple sashay down the line. At the bottom, fall into line and gradually move up, moving up one place as each new couple falls into line.